Upwardly Mobile Home (1984)

An itinerant theatre company living in a Volkswagen van under the Brooklyn Bridge plot how to survive in Reagan’s 1984 America while a fourth member of the company competes in a contest to win a mobile home. 

The performance grew out of an exploration of the rising upward mobility of the company’s community during Reagonomics and the Thatcher era. Weaver, Shaw, and Margolin saw many of their peers starting to get dressed up in Nikes and nylons and go to work for Wall Street. Upwardly Mobile Home investigated this phenomenon and one’s place in a changing community.

Peggy Shaw, Lois Weaver, Deb Margolin
Split Britches
Lois Weaver
Deb Margolin, Peggy Shaw, Lois Weaver
Susan Young

Set design:

Footage of the performance can be found here.

More info and media coming soon!